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UTD Clinic – FTC Android Programming
2017-09-23 @ 1:00pm - 4:00pm
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This event is intended for coaches/mentors and programming members of a FTC team.
Cost: Free, but pre-registration is required: https://goo.gl/forms/O4jwSgNpgDmRjsxu2
This will be a FTC clinic focusing on programming FTC robots using Android Studio (Java). The clinic will be held at UT-Dallas on Saturday, September 23 from 1:00p to 4:00p in room HH 2.402. Parking and event details will be sent out to registered participants.
The focus of the clinic will be programming and control systems using Android Studio, although we’ll be glad to discuss any topic pertaining to FTC. If there are any specific programming topics you would like to see covered, please contact Patrick Michaud. Currently the clinic is expected to cover:
– configuring phones and controllers
– FTC programming basics – OpModes and LinearOpModes
– motor and servo control
– gamepads and driving logic
– organizing code into functions
– sensor basics, including gyro / IMU
– threads and concurrency (time permitting)
We don’t expect to have any “hands-on exercises” in the clinic, so you don’t need to bring a robot, control systems, laptop, or other equipment with you. You’re welcome to bring these things if you like (for demonstration, questions, troubleshooting, etc.), but we won’t be allocating a lot of time during the clinic itself to work on them.
Location: The clinic will be held starting at 1pm in the Cecil Auditorium in Hoblitzelle Hall (HH 2.402) on the UT-Dallas campus – see attached map. The closest parking to the Cecil Auditorium is in Lot H and Parking Structure 4 (PS4). You can use this Parking Permit to park in any of the GOLD (yellow) or GREEN spaces in these two lots.
The easiest way to get to these lots is to enter from Waterview Parkway on the west side of campus using either Frank Johnson or Franklyn Jenifer drives.
Again, please pre-register for this clinic to receive information on location, parking, etc.